Monday, June 4: I spent the night at Mandy's the night before. We got up early and went to the bus early. We left for Germany on a huge ass plane at 2:38pm.
Tuesday, June 5: We arrived in Germany at 6:30 - 7:00 am.

We rode 3 trains to get to Rothenburg ob der Tauber. We all got settled in the hotel. I fell asleep and slept for about 3 hours, got up, saw what the group was doing, and then went to sleep again and I slept until a couple hours later. I went into town and met up with the group and we took the Night Watchman's Tour.

Then we went back to the hotel and slept (quite unsuccessfully on my part).
Wednesday, June 6: I woke up at 1 am and couldn't get back to sleep so I went in the hall and read until around 7 am. I finished one of my books. We had breakfast and Billy announced we were playing Capture the Flag at 1 and anyone who wanted to play should come. We went to our first church (first of so many frickin' churches. A person can only take so many churches) and then to the Kriminal Museum.

After that we went to play Capture the Flag and my team lost because we sucked (I would like to point out here that I also wrote all of this [except the stuff in parentheses] back in 2007. My writing, I would like to think, has improved greatly since then). Then we had dinner and then we played Ghost in the Graveyard. Mandy won the first game and then I won the second (of course the only game I can win is one where you find somewhere to sit and not move. I'm so lazy).
Thursday, June 7: Went to Munich (München). We ate (I can't remember what but apparently it was exciting enough to mention). Mandy and I and some others went to the Deutsch Museum while the rest went to the Olympic Stadium to swim (Losers. Who goes swimming when they're in Germany?). We met up in the square and went on Mike's Bike Tour. One of the leaders was very obviously Irish but Melissa (hahahaha Melissa. Did you know every Melissa I've ever met in my life I have hated and they have all been idiots? True story.) couldn't figure it out. So the guy was like, "look at me. Accent, red hair, light skin. There's only one place I could be from." Melissa then said, "Are you from California?" (Nice.) So we went on Mike's Bike Tour which was the funnest part of the trip (I still agree with that statement. I love bikes. And the tour was very fun). our tour guide was named Frankie and he was funny, we jumped into a river and I almost died (true story. I don't know how to swim but when offered a chance to jump into a river in the middle of Munich, Germany, you fucking do it), and we went to the English Garden which is the second largest beer garden in the world. It was huge. I don't really want to see the largest (oh silly little 16 year old me. I would love to see the largest now). We also saw The Hammer (wait for it). We passed a nudest meadow and he was there and you can guess why he's called The Hammer (yes, it was because his penis was very large). Then we went to another part of the river where the waves got so big people were surfing.
Friday, June 8: We got up early and went to Neuswanstein. We had to walk up this big ass hill and I had a hurt foot (from jumping in the river, which later got infected pretty badly) so it sucked major dickage (really past Sydnie? Really? You couldn't think of anything better to describe how bad it was?).

We went to the Linderhoff castle as well which was pretty much just like the first one. And then we went to some church, which was a lot like the first church we went to. Mandy and I did some laundry when we came back to Munich.

And we (Mandy, Kallie, Kalyssa, and I) stayed up until 2 in the morning packing and being crazy.

Saturday, June 9 - Friday, June 15: The beginning of the crappiest week ever. The family stay. It was awkward. My family hated me and I hated them. We went to Weimar, Buchenwald, and Wartburg castle. And did some other stuff that's not really worth mentioning. And my host mom ate my socks.

Saturday, June 16: Went back to the group. We took trains to Bacharach. We had to climb up a huge mountain to the stupid youth hostel we were staying at (the climb up sucked but the view was worth it).
Sunday, June 17: Took a ship to someplace. Had pizza. Took a ship to St. Goar where Mandy and I ditched the group because they were going to another castle (yeah take that castles!). Then we had dinner with the group during which we got "awards." Mandy was the pack mule. I was the dance machine because earlier in the day people were telling me what dance moves to do and I'd do them because I was awesome. But it hurts when I headbang now (haha what?!). We went back to the youth hostel and then we packed.
Monday, June 18: Trains to Frankfurt. I had to go my separate way so I said goodbye to everybody (I was going straight to England). I had to go through two security checkpoints. Got on the plane and arrived in England a little bit later. And then I was detained in the passport checkpoint because my parents weren't there yet (it was crazy. But the guy who held me there was very nice). They arrived eventually and we went to the hotel and slept.
And that was Germany. I will do England in a separate post.
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